Thursday, September 20, 2007

parents arrival with my stuff

late night. my parents come back.. the same life style falls back in place : repetition,, getting nagged..i cant stand such irritation.Life sometimes plays like a film, 'action!, Cut, repeat' for the millionth time..*sigh*..i sometimes wish i could live in a different life, wanting to live a life where there is no tomorrow.... somewhere quiet, peaceful,,, the one Word: HEAVEN.. nagging is probably the only thing that i lose my tempture really fast. I sometimes wish i could move out. infact i want to now. cant wait till im older but anyways.why can gravity put things together?

they come back i get my stuff and then get some FOOD =).. GOOd thing food re-stocks hahaha and its better than eating instant noodles for breakfast lunch and tea....

exam is coming up .. i have to study


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