Wednesday, February 27, 2008

waiting in uni sucks

just and upadte. waiting for my next atmmm. =.=" another 2 hours .... started at 10:30- 11:30am... went to potblack with cole... pretty funny ;) oh wells/. my next class is at 5:30pm that makes it a 6 hour differnece bewtween the two classes. =.= tmr even worst .... 8:30 - 9:30am then 5:30-7:30 .... like a 9 hour differnece?. ... . . ... terrible . but the classes are damn easy .. i want to go to curtin.. eCU sucks no asians :P oh wellls.... i dont really intend to sociallize with other people and make new friends .. cause ill porbably be friends with them for like 6 months?... oh wells . bored bored bored in the computer lab.. wiating for class..

Friday, February 1, 2008


its total madness!!!@.@


Funniest convo with michturd face. blog

cLub 69,, dogs "R" us

well well.. finally mum made a blog ... how to start today was pretty ineteresting... went to the city well more like northbridge with mum (Fran) and michturd face. turd face came later. so me and mummy went to tea cafe ordered our "regular" expectiing the waitress to know what our regular is #11. Pork vegetables and rice or #8 Beef vegetables and rice. the only reason why its our regular cause its one of the cheapest dishes with the largest portion.. Stingy is what we call it ;) the usual again. meeting our best friend!! UNCLE.....! yeah made my day and then the usual again laughing every like 20secs so taking us 1+ hour to finish our meals.... anyways then turd face rocks up ... pulling out 3 interesting pens.. a gift from jAPAn! how nice.... in a form a "long" bread and toothpaste. =) our 1st line pick eh? me taking the bread roll and mumm taking the pizza... then we headed of the tz. or was it pb? forgot.. oh wells that not the fun bit. then we go to TEA FUSION! !!! holy moly we see this hidious human (male) with regular sized breast.. maybe wearing a bra? or is it injected a load of oestagen (dont know how to spell but the female hormone) haha so no surprisingly i knew one of us would take a picture of him and soo my assumption was indeed perfectly correct. BULLEYe. Michturd face takes the picture in the most riduculous manner. 1. pretends to be taking a pic of mum then. 2. pretends to be on the phone and when in the perfect angle >>>> SNAP! picture taken. hahaha sooo "US" only the HG family behaves like this. then a huge talk about 69s and dogs.. like what did you get for your driving test 69/30! ..O_o HAha i think you can read more about it on michturd faces blog. then about another 69 stuff happened when we were going back home dman turd face took my hair spray... yup ... yeah. my favourite saying to mum STOP IT DOG.. Or horses are better than dogs. why?
david - horse
fran - dog
hanson - sheep
ahha our so called animals
yes yes.. so what do we plan in our next random/mischievous doings. GUESS WHAT THE UGLY STUPID JASON IS NEXT TO ME HAHA--->JANDIA
sighs. too much to talk about... back to my point..
yeah so basically just add another 69 more points or phrases about mum son and grand son talking about dogs and horses. but why do we only chooose those animals? strange... ;) O.o
anyways...around 9-30pm.. about me and jason fanngnggngngnng,.... in jono's car with edward ting was fun. :) racing some GTO car .. with our turbo a/c we made extreme tuned up car noises with our voices.. and started yelling like freaks in the car. rocking it crazily... and then we arrived in northbridge.. huge arguement that im vegeta... and so we decided to do the final judgement with ANDREW TAN (my brother in law).. the super lawyer that can put anyone in jail. guess what.. he said im not vegeta that was it.. my determination of being vegeta was totally trashed just like that.. one word soo much power.. then we went to timezone go free games from our super pK richard =) that was awesome.. free ghost squad. made our arms sooo tired. >_> yeah then we go home. btw HG family --> DOGS R US YEAH!!!! ^^Y